Hydrogen Electrolysis Performance Layer

fteu® Update Electrolyzer Performance with Permeabe Metal Permeable Metal (PM) Components for Electrolyzer Cells (AEL, AEM, PEM, SOEC) 17 fteu® nickel, stainless steel a/o coated PM base structures for customer-specific specsdeduced from customer electrolyzer performance parameters (i.e. thickness/depth, porosity, defined size and location of openings, conductive cross section) fteu® PM production technology for 3D optimized […]
Mining Filters

Mining Filters fteu® Update Performance Filters and Separators for Mining Equipemnt Function & cost-efficiency for mining filtration: product, service, value chain Function-first with state of the art hardware, focus efficiency/performance layer Customer orientation, engineered solution, seamless & soundless service Qualification & quality control for heavy-duty performance and realiability fteu® quality control from solid raw metal […]
Custom Elements

Filter, Absorber or Flow Element: precision permeable metal produt according to your specific application